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Alpha & Omega
Amelia Ann Morrison
[DFA# 178.422.42]
b: 2019-Jan-15 at Vancouver, BC (7lb)
-- The newest "Dragland" is pictured here with her father (Parents: Iain & Jeanette)
Cornelia Ingrid Dragland (1955-2019)
Cornelia, 63, after a brave four and a half year battle with ALS, passed peacefully at home in her sleep on Sunday February 3rd, 2019.
She was a devoted wife, mother, friend, and animal lover. She is survived by her husband, Vaughn Dragland, step-son Michael, daughters Amanda and Fallon, and grandchildren Athena, Avery, Elias, and Roan. A celebration of her life was held on February 9th, 3pm, at the Turner & Porter Butler Chapel, 4933 Dundas Street West in Toronto.
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Historical Update
Check out the new additions to our family tree (thanks to Roald Petter Aarbekk of Sandtorg, Norway).
Roald has added 95 people, all descendants of Emerentse Anna Kristine Olsdatter (DFA # 17A) who emigrated to America in 1892 (and went back to Norway after 5 years).
Here is an account of her journey:
In the church book for Hol, Tjeldsund in Lødingen, Norway one can read that one
company of 10 people took out certificate of relocation to North Dakota in the United States
May 20, 1892.
The people are:
- Petter Jentoft Larsen born 1865
- Emerentse Olsdatter born 1871 (his wife)
(daughter of Ola Torson Limmesand)
- Olga born 1891 (their daughter)
- Lars Olai Olsen born 1863 (Emerents brother)
- Karoline Gregussen born 1863 (Lars' wife)
- Olaf born 1884 (their son)
- Kristian (Chris) born 1885 (their son)
- Daniel born 1889 (their son)
- Lind born 1890 (their son)
- Joakim Olsen born 1873 (Lars' & Emerents's brother)
The Digitalworks Emigrant Register shows that the company traveled from Trondheim May 25, 1892 with Dominolin's ship DS "Domino".
Petter, Emerentse and Olga are now written with the surname Harvig and traveled from Sandtorg with destination Quebec. Petter's and Emerents' tickets were paid in America. Olga's ticket was bought in Trondheim.
(Emerentse had 3 brothers and a sister in North Dakota who had emigrated 5 years previously in 1887. These people were: Theodor Olsen Dragland b: 1850, Nikoline Olsen b: 1852, Daniel Bertheus Olson Dragland b:1861, and Mikal Peder Olsen Dragland b: 1866.)
Almost a year after the trip, Petter's and Emerentse's son Lars was born on May 11, 1893 in Goose River, Hatton, North Dakota. Made in America you can say! Emerentse, and especially Petter, enjoyed their stay in North Dakota but moved home to Norway again (unknown when, but on January 8, 1895 their next child, Anna was born in Hårvik, Lødingen).
Lars and Karoline Olsen with 4 children used the surname Dragland. They traveled from Lødingen with destination Northwood, Dakota. They pay their tickets in
Trondheim. Little brother Joakim with surname Olsen bought his ticket in Trondheim. While in the United States, he took the name John Dragland and died unmarried in Seattle in 1927.
The company of 10 people became 11 when they arrived, because Karoline gave birth to a child in the middle of the Atlantic. The child was named Emil Atlanteen Dragland. Lars and Karoline eventually had 7 children, born in North Dakota. Emerentse and Petter had the children Olga (born in Norway before the trip) and Lars (born in North Dakota). Then after returning to Norway they had the children Anna, Einar, Gunvor, Hartløv, Ole, Herdis and my mother Kristofa. Chris and Ansoph had 10 children.
The American itinerary must have been something like this:
- Tjeldsund - Trondheim with local boat
- From Trondheim 26.5.1892 S / S DOMINO
- Route: Trondheim-Kristiansund-Ålesund-Hull
- Trains from Hull to Liverpool
- From Liverpool 10.6.1892 S / S DOMINON
- Arrival Quebec 21.6.1892 | Montreal
- Montreal - North Dakota took ??
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Emails Wanted
There are probably hundreds of Dragland Family members who should be receiving this newsletter, but they aren't because we don't have their email address. If you know of any such persons, please ask them to subscribe at this link: or simply send their email address to
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