DFA Oracle for Friday May 4, 2018

(May the fourth be with you ... )


Viking medallionPresident's Message (revised)

Congratulations to the Dragland Family Association for this much anticipated first edition of our e-Newsletter ("the DFA Oracle").

I have proudly served as your third President (since being elected in 2014) and will continue, to the best of my ability, until my term limit ends in 2020. That is of course barring any scandals that would preclude me from fulfilling my commitment to each and every one of you. ☺ A special shout-out the first DFA President (Todd Dragland) and immediate past-president (Jeanne Morrison) for all of their accomplishments.

The last Dragland reunion was held in Kelowna, BC in September 2017. Thank you to Dean Dragland and Elizabeth Neef for organizing this event and opening up their home to everyone. Very thoughtful of them, and frankly quite brave, because when a bunch of Draglands get together there is the potential for "all hell" to break loose.
Here is the corrected list of recent Dragland family reunions:
   • 1972 – Lethbridge, Alberta
   • 1989 – Farm West of Lethbridge, Alberta
   • 2007 – Vancouver, BC
   • 2010 – Medicine Hat, Alberta
   • 2014 – Las Vegas, Nevada
   • 2017 – Kelowna, BC

The DFA Board of Directors held a meeting during the 2017 reunion. There were a number of things discussed, including a proposal for a reunion in Cuba for February 2020. Details have yet to be worked out, but it was unanimous for exploring the idea of Cuba as a great location. Feedback from anyone in the family is welcome pertaining to this proposal and any suggestions of other locations are welcome as well. Hopefully a final decision can be made by June 2019 in order to have enough time to make travel arrangements for February 2020.

Best wishes to all Draglanders around the world!

DFA President Bradley Michael Dragland

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Alpha & Omega

    • 178.424.11 Griffin Iarussi b: 2018-May-1
           at Victoria, BC (daughter of Alexandra Dragland & John Iarussi)
    • 178.422.31 Thomas Henry Morrison b: 2018-Feb-11
           at Vancouver, BC (son of Graham Morrison & Allie Ketcham)
    • 178.426-s2.21 Francesca Mae Cannone b: 2018-Jan-04
           at Glens Falls, NY (daughter of Katie Thornton & John Cannone)
    • 178.421.31 Elias Malcom Dodd b: 2017-Jul-20
           at Toronto, ON (son of Fallon Dragland & Blaire Dodd)

Vern Hoey Dragland
(DFA# 178.14)
1923 - 2017
Vernon Hoey Dragland of Medicine Hat, passed away on Monday, August 7, 2017 at the age of 94 years, beloved husband of the late Edie Dragland. He leaves to cherish his memory one son, Lyle Dragland and one sister, Ethel Chenewski. He was predeceased by his parents, Esther and Oscar Dragland; his wife Edie on September 27, 1980; two sons, Glen and Neil; one brother Orville and one sister Lois Hopkins. Vernon was born on May 10, 1923 in Medicine Hat and was raised in the Maleb/Conquerville area. He farmed, ranched and raised three sons in that area. His passions were horses, the rodeo and going on trail rides whenever he could. He enjoyed having coffee with his friends and was a huge supporter of the Ford Motor Company. The funeral service was held in the PATTISON CHAPEL on August 12, 2017. Interment followed in the Hillside Cemetery.
See Vern's family page here

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Membership Info

Here are some details on our various DFA membership levels:

  1. Associate Member

            • No charge
            • Eligible to receive family newsletter
            • May have name/phone number/email address published on directory
               (if desired)
            • May submit stories and photos for the website
            • Receives invitation to family reunions and other events
            • Eligible for password to detailed (confidential) family tree

  1. Regular Member

            • Dues are $30 per year (payable on your birthday)
            • Includes all benefits of Associate Member, plus:
            • Eligible for dragland.org email address

  1. Gold Member

            • Dues are $100 per year (payable on your birthday)
            • Includes all benefits of Regular Member, plus:
            • Eligible to receive annual financial statements
            • Eligible to serve on planning committees
            • Eligible for seat on the DFA Board of Directors

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Family Tree Links


  1. Descendants of Nils Hallvardson Limmesand, (1750 - 1804)
    (For security reasons, most birthdays and anniversaries of living persons have been excluded.)

  2. Full Family Tree -- MEMBERS ONLY
    (userid & password required)
    Last updated: Nov 15, 2016.

    If you are a Dragland Family member, and would like to know the userid & password, click on the following link to send a request message:

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Call for Papers

Note: If you have any announcements, stories, photos, etc. that you would like to share with family members, send them to admin@dragland.org and say you would like to be published in the DFA Oracle. We would all love to hear from you!

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Browse our DFA Oracle archives

Do we have your current e-mail address and other contact information?
Email the DFA office to keep us up-to-date.   

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